Friends Forever

.Friday, March 31, 2006 ' 5:03 AM Y
mi today update my blogs again haiz mi nowaday veri hot temper lo don know why lo haiz i hope can can understand mi lo i will love u her forever lo but i don know ican ma bec at april of 4i need to go court lo sob sob mis her veri much muack nth to write le haha

8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning ; I LOVE YOU♥

.Wednesday, March 15, 2006 ' 4:56 AM Y
i got happy thing and sad thing lo my happy thing is we patch again le muack ... and i i promise iwill love u forever will nv let u leave mi again le i will hold u tight tight de ... sad thing is i have alot alot of stress but i nv tell anyone lo haiz.....andi abit don feel like to studies lo ... but still need to stupid ... and another is she don even know i worry abt her lo bec i sms alot of time than she will jus reply one only lo haiz..... my hand and my leg veri pain now she also don know lo if i nv tell lo i reali need u in my life de lo muack Bao Bei Lao Po ( I LOVE U ) MuAcK

8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning ; I LOVE YOU♥

.Thursday, March 09, 2006 ' 4:58 AM Y
maybe today is my last time to be here to write for u le ...maybe i am leaving le ..u mus tc urself always and u hurt mi reali reali veri much lo k..... but i still love u but i cannot love u anymore le my heart will be wit u de lo...and studies hard don said don wan studies k muack u mus tc wor k love u i end everyone mus tc urself and thx yan when ever i sad or happi u r the one who is beside mi de thx mei and kor hope that next tym we still can be Kor & Mei k tc mei buai ~ ~ The End ~ ~

8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning ; I LOVE YOU♥

.Monday, March 06, 2006 ' 5:10 AM Y
today i sick sia but nvm lo i sick or not sick also nobody care abt mi le wat for mi care abt myself lo she don know i how i miss u lo but she reali don know lo but nvm lo we brake le lo but i reali need her lo .... haiz nvm lo mi will nv tc of myself de lo haiz maybe mi wil nv go for stead anymore mi nowaday keep smoking alot lo so now i like take drug lo now kena flu lo and fever lo ......sick die beta la haiz ,......

8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning ; I LOVE YOU♥

.Saturday, March 04, 2006 ' 5:54 PM Y
haiz .... i don know why i feel so useless man .....i reali need u in my life and i reali cannot stand that u not beside mi lo i reali love u lo i cannot stand abt it lo i everyday think abt u lo .... and when friday night i said go and fight than u said when i came back maybe can patch lo i reali don know u wan to patch ma i reali hope we can patch
i promise i will change but still need to give mi time to change lo ... i hope we can be Lao gong And Lao po Forever &ever lo .... i reali reali love u veri much lo haix .... LGLLPFM i reali hope k i write untill here

8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning ; I LOVE YOU♥

.Friday, March 03, 2006 ' 5:24 AM Y
halo i am back haiz nowaday alot thing happen lo haha .......i finally go ite le haha.... but than is one thing veri is my grandfather pass away le veri sad ... now don knoe how lo in my life i lost two ppl lo first is my granfather second is my lao po haiz i reali need them lo but than my will nv came back de lo .......but my lao po will came back or not lo haiz nvm lo mi will wait for her lo bec i reali need her lo

8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning ; I LOVE YOU♥

♥The Site Master

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In a Relationship



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Gan Meis
* YanQin

Nu Er
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Frenx 4eva
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Who give gd Memory
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